
MPen Extension for Google Chrome

For example.
To mark important sentence.
To draw operations during Screencast.

MPen is simple graffiti tool.

Free Google Chrome Extension Supported Browsers Google Chrome v53+

For Windows 8.1/10 users:

There is a problem that you can not click on the touchpad while pressing the letter key. Improved by setting "touchpad sensitivity" of touchpad to "maximum sensitivity" in your Windows settings.
For details, please refer to Microsoft Support.

Translucent color

You can use it like a highlighter with a translucent color compatible pen.


MPen keeps track of 8 undo levels. Usability like a desktop application.


UI supports English and Japanese.


  • Current Version: 0.3.1
  • Features: Pen/Line/Rect/Ellipse/Text/Eraser/Hand/Pointer/Undo/Redo